ensemble median with cdo enspctl,50
Added by Christian Dieterich over 10 years ago
Hi there,
I'm calculating the ensemble median of an ensemble with four members using
cdo enspctl,50 ifile1 ifile2 ifile3 ifile4 ofile
When I checked the output I came across something unexpected. The ensemble median is exactly equal to one of the members. It is the member n/2 of the sorted list i=1,...,n; n=4. For four members I did expect the median to be the arithmetic mean of the two middle members. When I use five ensemble members I get what I expected. The ensemble median is equal to the middle member of the distribution (n+1)/2.
I thought four members is maybe too few to get cdo enspctl,50 working properly. I tried to fool the algorithm and used the four members twice to get n=8. Still the median is equal to the root of the min-heap, not the arithmetic mean of the two roots. With six different ensemble members I also get an ensemble median which is equal to the member n/2 of the sorted list i=1,...,n; n=6.
I couldn't find any detailed description of the cdo enspctl operator. Maybe I am expecting something, that cdo is not supposed to do. Is there anyone who could comment on this?