use of cdo ymonstd
Added by Danila Volpi over 10 years ago
I have been using "cdo ymonstd" in two difference ways:
1) giving as input file the anomalies of a field, calculated with "cdo ymonsub" of the full field, minus the annual cycle computed with "cdo ymonmean".
2) giving as input file directly the full field file.
The results are slightly different, so I was wondering how exactly "cdo ymonstd" calculate the standard deviation, to understand where the difference comes from.
Thanks a lot!
Replies (1)
RE: use of cdo ymonstd - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 10 years ago
Both methods will give exact the same result if you store the intermediate result in netCDF with full precision. This can be done with the CDO options "-f nc -b F64". Without these options you will lost accuracy when you store the intermediate result to disk, if your input file is in GRIB format or non floating point netCDF format.