


Interpolation from FV grid to regular gausian grid

Added by Damjan Jelic almost 10 years ago

Dear support,

I'm trying to interpolate 4D climate model data (global models) from some model grid (im guessing finite volume (FV)) with horizontal dimensions 288x192 to regular Gaussian grid N64 (128x256). I tried both Bilinear and Bicubic interpolation. I obtained results, and if i compare plots before/after it seams ok. Problem occurs when i use those data-sets for future computations of energy. It seams as there is some artificial noise which reflects back on higher frequencies. Since i still don't have any means to check if its a climate model problem, my question is:

Is it ok to use repmabil or repmabic functions to interpolate these data at all? Do you have any other suggestions?
My interpolation setup is consisted from txt file:
gridtype = lonlat
xsize = 256
ysize = 128
xfirst = 0
xinc = 1.40625
yfirst = -90
yinc = 1.40625

and comandeline: cdo remapbil,$STPATH2/grid.txt -selgrid,1 $STPATH/

Kind regards,