


Missing data with cdo remapbil

Added by Grace Redmond over 10 years ago

Dear all,

I'm trying to re-grid SST netCDF data which has a land mask applied. I'm using:

cdo remapbil,r260x210

The command works well, however, it artifically enlarges the land sea mask, I assume this is because during re-gridding any point adjacent to missing data is becoming missing data. Is there a function which controls how remapbil deals with missing data?

I tried export REMAP_EXTRAPOLATE=on and =off but there wasn't a difference.

Thanks in advance


Replies (1)

RE: Missing data with cdo remapbil - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan over 10 years ago

Can you please upload your input file? It may be that the missing value is not set properly; try -setmissvalue,0 (assuming that mask is 0 and the actual data doen't contain any 0s)
