


help understand error message

Added by Matthew Perrett about 14 years ago

Hey everyone,
I was wondering if people could help me understand this error message:
climate@model:/var/incoming/grib/gfs$ /usr/local/bin/cdo -f nc remapbil,t42grid gfs.t12z.pgrbf00
Warning (grbScanTimestep2) : code 131 level 0 not found at timestep 2

cdo remapbil: Open failed on >gfs.t12z.pgrbf00<
Unsupported file structure

I am new to CDO and I am still trying to get my head around it.

Thank you!

Replies (1)

RE: help understand error message - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 14 years ago

Hi Matt,

cdo remapbil: Open failed on >gfs.t12z.pgrbf00<
Unsupported file structure
CDO can't open the GRIB file because the structure of the file is not supported. There is a limitation for GRIB files in CDO:
A GRIB dataset has to be consistent, similar to netCDF. That means all time steps needs to have the same variables, and within a time step each variable may occur only once.

The corresponding warning message is unfortunately not very user friendly:
Warning (grbScanTimestep2) : code 131 level 0 not found at timestep 2
The GRIB file contains a record with the code number 131. This record is located at time step 2 in the GRIB file but was not found at time step 2 in the internal CDO data model. The reason for that is typicaly that this record was not available in the first time step of the GRIB file.

Best regards,
