


netcdf in lambert-conformal conversion to grib (preserving lambert conformal)

Added by Carlos Santos almost 11 years ago

Hi all, Hi Uwe,

I have WRF NETCDF output files in lambert conformal grid.
I need to convert to GRIB, preserving the lambert-conformal grid.
Is it possible with CDO? How?
You can find attached a one-parameter-only sample.
Please some help!!!

Thanks in advance


Replies (1)

RE: netcdf in lambert-conformal conversion to grib (preserving lambert conformal) - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan almost 11 years ago

you could try using setgrid operator (FYI: CDO doesn't fully support LCC grid). Here is an example LCC grid dscription from NARR data.

gridtype  = lcc
gridsize  = 96673
xsize     = 349
ysize     = 277
originLon = -145.5
originLat = 1
lonParY   = -107
lat1      = 50
lat2      = 50
xinc      = 32463
yinc      = 32463
projection = northpole

you could try creating a similar grid description file (eg. lcc.grid), and then try

cdo -f grb -setgrid,lcc.grid ofile.grb

Although it works I haven't checked whether CDO produce the right LCC grib.

