


problem with date and time

Added by Martina Schäfer about 11 years ago

Hi all,

I'm new to CDO, I came accross it when looking for a tool to select datasets from a certain timestep from grib2 files.

My problem is now the following:
Following grib_ls (and also wgrib2) my grib file spans 2010-01-01 to 2010-01-05 with 4 datasets per day (0,6,12,18hr), i.e. 20 in total.
cdo info tells me that I have 37 timesteps and all are from 2010-01-01 00:00:00. Showtime also confirms that. But 37 is the number of my vertical levels!
And following to this non of the SELTIME commands are working, since cdo claims that all datasets are from 2010-01-01 00:00:00 and hence somehow spatial and temporal variables are mixed up.

Does anyone has an idea why cdo does not recognize the time correctly?

Or alternatively could you recommend another way of selecting datasets of a certain time in grib2 files? In fact, I only need to delete the last timestep of the file, I don't need something more general than that.

Thanks for your help,