selllonlatbox command
Added by guillaume dueymes over 14 years ago
Hi users' CDO
i tried to select a region with sellonlatbox command on different models output. All data have his own grid projection (for example LatLon et Polar stereographic).
When i used the command sellonlatbox, it doesn't give me the same region in output.
Is this command must only be apply on a regular grid projection ? In attached I put an example of my two grids: one polar stereographic (green) and one latlon regular (blue). You will find my two files (land-sea mask) i'm trying to 'cut' .
Many thanks
test_grille.tif (2.55 MB) test_grille.tif |
Replies (1)
RE: selllonlatbox command - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 14 years ago
Hi Guillaume,
sellonlatbox selects a rectangular lon/lat box of the input data.
The input data have to be on a regular rectangular grid in order to get a correct output.
It is not possible to get a correct output if you try to select a regular rectangular
lon/lat box from a grid with a Polar stereographic projection.