piping mergetime and ymean
Added by Graziano Giuliani over 14 years ago
I have montly netcdf files, and I want to have year mean value without using the disk space to store the merged input file.
This works:
cdo mergetime ??.nc year.nc
cdo yearmean year.nc ymean.nc
Is there a way to pipe the two? This doesn't work:
cdo yearmean -mergetime ??.nc ymean.nc
Replies (1)
RE: piping mergetime and ymean - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 14 years ago
Hi Graziano,
All operators with an unlimited number of input files can not be used in combination with other operators.
It concerns the following CDO functions: cat, copy, merge, mergetime, ens*
This is a restriction of the current CDO command line parser.
Best regards,