Ignoring missing values
Added by Almami Johnson about 11 years ago
Hi All,
While doing some arithmetics (add, sub, div, mul), I'm just wondering whether it is possible to ignore the missing values from both input files.
Thanks for any suggestions.
Replies (2)
RE: Ignoring missing values - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan about 11 years ago
I think CDO, by default, do not account any missing value during any calculations (assuming the missing values are properly set in the input files). If the missing value are not set, you may use the appropriate missing value operator before doing any calculations. For example,
cdo add -setmissval,-999 ifile1 -setmissval,-9e39 ifile2 ofile
For more info regarding the missing value operators, see the doc section 2.6.13: https://code.zmaw.de/projects/cdo/embedded/current/cdo.html#x1-2200002.6.13