Seasonal trends over the decade
Added by Theodoros Gkousarov about 11 years ago
Hi all and merry Christmas!
I have a file CLIMATOLOGY9410 which contains daily mean estimates of surface solar radiation in W/m2 over the period 1994-2010.
I want to calculate seasonal trends per decade for Spring,Summer,autumn and Winter.
Can somebody help me with this? So far I have done this for summer:
cdo -seasmean -selseas,JJA
cdo trend
cdo -mulc,10.
is it correct or there is a step missing? I think I should calculate the anomalies but not sure how to do it. Every help more than welcome.
Replies (2)
RE: Seasonal trends over the decade - Added by Solomon Hailu about 8 years ago
Dear Gkousarov,
I have got the same task to do!! did you manage to fix this. can you be kind to send me the codes if you managed it. in your code you multiplied the Trend by 10 i dint get this why?
Thanks a lot.
RE: Seasonal trends over the decade - Added by Matthias Demuzere about 8 years ago
Hi all,
It seems that the last question of Solomon above related to this question as well:
What is actually the time unit of the resulting trend? Is it indeed a quantity / timestamp, as present in the input file?
Eg. timeseries of 1 year, values per month: this would result in a trend-value/month? So trend per year = trend-value*12? Is this correct?
In addition, I also wonder about the trend significance.
Uwe mentioned the undocumented studentt here ( but since it is not documented I was wondering whether you could provide more info on how to use this exactly?