


Problem with Monmean

Added by Jinghua Chen over 11 years ago

Dear all
when I use monmean to handle data, the time axis of the result can't be rightly read by Grads
it's like this:

set t 1   it's the first month, but when it set t 2  it jump to the third month 
why ?  how can I fixed it?

PS: the attachment is the result

Thank you !!!

Replies (1)

RE: Problem with Monmean - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 11 years ago

GrADS can handle only equidistant time steps. The time step in the file is 1month. First time stamp is 31th January. One month later will be 31th February. The time stamp is not available any results in March. You have to use days < 29 to avoid this problem. Here is an example to set all days to 15th:

cdo setday,15 -monmean
