eca_r95p and eca_r95ptot
Added by Almami Johnson over 11 years ago
Dear all
I somehow got confused while looking at the CDO user's guide and the open discussion about eca_r95p and eca_r95ptot. Say I have 30years of daily precipitation ( and would like to get the number of wet days and the total intensity above the 95th percentile. Looking at cdo -h, it says:
"Let ifile1 be a time series RR of the daily precipitation amount at wet days (precipitation >= 1 mm)
and ifile2 be the 95th percentile RRn95 of the daily precipitation amount at wet days for any period
used as reference. Then the percentage of wet days with RR > RRn95 is calculated.
RRn95 is calculated as the 95th percentile of all wet days of a given climate reference period.
Usually ifile2 is generated by the operator ydaypctl,95.
The date information of a timestep in ofile is the date of the last contributing timestep in ifile1.
The following variables are created:
- very_wet_days_wrt_95th_percentile_of_reference_period"
1. My first question is how do I modify my to look like ifile1 (i.e. a file containing precipitation amount greater than 1mm)? should I set to missing value all amount lower than 1mm?
2. Using ydaypctl,95, I get a RRn95 file with 366 timesteps. Applying "cdo eca_r95p RRn95", cdo sends an error like: "cdo eca_r95p (Abort): Input streams have different number of time steps!"
Any help to work around this will be highly appreciated.