Simple upscale method: which remapgrid?
Added by Matteo De Felice over 11 years ago
I'm going to use cdo to perform an upscaling of a precipitation dataset on a coarser grid to match the grid of another field. I want to use probably the simplest method: if the destination grid is four times coarser I want to have each new point equal to the average of the four nearest points and so on... I checked the CDO documentation and the SCRIP one but it's not clear if this method is implemented. I don't have a climate science background and so I don't want to do something (very) stupid.
Thank you in advance for any help,
Replies (2)
RE: Simple upscale method: which remapgrid? - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 11 years ago
Area weighted mean of the four surrounding grid cells:
cdo gridboxmean,2,2 ifile ofileEqual weighted mean of the four surrounding grid cells:
cdo divc,4 -gridboxsum,2,2 ifile ofile
RE: Simple upscale method: which remapgrid? - Added by Matteo De Felice over 11 years ago
Thanks a lot, I'll try with these ones!