


remap problem or bug with grid file that has equal sizes for lat and lon???

Added by Neil Barton over 11 years ago


I'm trying to remap data onto a lat and lon grid in which the lat size is the same as the lon size, say lat size equal 96 and lon size equal 96. When I perform the remap command, the resulting data in the output files are not a shape of 96 by 96, but a shape of 96.

I successfully used remap on other files that are very similar, but with a grid that lat size does not equal lon size. I attached my grid file.

I greatly appreciate feedback.

Replies (1)

RE: remap problem or bug with grid file that has equal sizes for lat and lon??? - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan over 11 years ago


I think the problem is that the variable attibutes are incorrectly named, for example:

float ps_24(time, latitude, latitude)

Both the x and y dimesions are named as "latitude" - I think one of the attributes should be "longitude" instead of "latitude"

if you rename it with NCO the remapping should work I guess,

