


significance of trends with CDO

Added by Mario Rohrer over 11 years ago

Dear all

we calculated trends of air temperature in reanalysis with CDO. But now arises the question how to calculate the significance of these trends with CDO. We have seen that there is a function student-t but for us it is unclear how to use this function and what it does exactly. Does anybody of you know more about this function and how to use it for signifiance tests of trends?

Thank you


Replies (2)

RE: significance of trends with CDO - Added by Theodoros Gkousarov almost 11 years ago

Good question !

I there any answer? I want to calculate trend significance for solar radiation time series.

RE: significance of trends with CDO - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 10 years ago

The undocumented CDO operator studentt simple computes the student-t distribution of a horizontal field. The input parameter is the degree of freedom.
