eca_csu in grads
Added by Bryan Weare over 11 years ago
I have been trying to use eca_csu and similar climate statistics in grads. I get a file which opens in grads with sdfopen. However, I cannot find the appropriate name of the variable to plot. I tried cdo setname,dum . but dum is not recognized as the name in grads. Is there a way to make a simple name for the output of eca_csu and similar modules?
Replies (4)
RE: eca_csu in grads - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan over 11 years ago
Please have a look at the following thread (last reply by Ralf Müller)
Also, try "chname" to change the variable name
RE: eca_csu in grads - Added by Bryan Weare over 11 years ago
Hi J,
I had tried chname as you suggested. The short name get changed, but GRADS does not recognize it. I tried displaying in grads all shortings of the long name consecutive_summer_days_index_per_time_period without success. Is there some way to remove or replace this long name. It appears that it is confusing grads. The version of grads I am using is opengrads-2.0.a9
Any other suggestions would be welcome
RE: eca_csu in grads - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan over 11 years ago
It is not easy to change the "long_name" attribute using CDO. You might want to try NCO:
please have a look at the example no. 5, here:
[or you could try converting to GRIB & back to NetCDF using CDO. I haven't tried it but most likely it will remove all the long_names]
Hope this helps!
RE: eca_csu in grads - Added by Bryan Weare over 11 years ago
Using ncatted -h -a long_name,cons,o,c," " set the long name to blank and allowed me to use cons in grads