


To convert a GRADS ctl binary data file to netCDF

Added by Z Z over 14 years ago

Dear CDO community,

I'm doing the conversion of GRADS binary file into netCDF format. Here are what I did and what I got,

random@Z:~/topo/ht$ cdo -f nc import_binary -i ht.ctl
Use commandline option -h for help.
Error (operatorInqModID) : operator missing! ht.ctl is a file on disk!

The GrADS data descriptor ctl file is as below,

random@Z:~/topo/ht$ cat ht.ctl 
dset ^ht.dta
undef 0.0
xdef 3600 linear  0.05 0.1
ydef 1500 linear -74.95 0.1
zdef    1 levels     2.50
tdef    1 linear 01jan1979 1yr
vars  1
ht    1 0 depth

Anybody get any idea what is going on here? Thanks a lot!


Replies (2)

RE: To convert a GRADS ctl binary data file to netCDF - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 14 years ago

The option "-i" is not part of the syntax, so it should work without it:

cdo -f nc import_binary ht.ctl


RE: To convert a GRADS ctl binary data file to netCDF - Added by Z Z over 14 years ago

Hi Uwe, Thank you very much. Zach.
