


CDO & Magics Installation Problems

Added by Kostas S about 12 years ago


I'm trying to install cdo with Magics++ support, but something goes wrong and the installation can not be completed.

I'm getting this error during configure:

checking magics_api.h usability... yes
checking magics_api.h presence... yes
checking for magics_api.h... yes
checking for library containing mag_open... no
configure: error: Could not link to magics library

If I do not include Magics++, configure is completed without errors.

How i can install cdo with magics support. Any help?

This is the version of CDO that I installed with extra libs but without Magics

Climate Data Operators version 1.6.0rc4 (
Compiler: gcc -std=gnu99 -g -O2
version: gcc (GCC) 4.4.6 20120305 (Red Hat 4.4.6-4)
Compiled: by kostas on (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Feb 20 2013 13:22:13
CDI library version : 1.6.0 of Feb 20 2013 13:22:06
CGRIBEX library version : 1.6.0 of Feb 12 2013 09:17:09
GRIB_API library version : 1.9.18
netCDF library version : of Feb 20 2013 12:21:49 $
HDF5 library version : 1.8.10
SERVICE library version : 1.3.1 of Feb 20 2013 13:21:50
EXTRA library version : 1.3.1 of Feb 20 2013 13:21:44
IEG library version : 1.3.1 of Feb 20 2013 13:21:47
FILE library version : 1.8.1 of Feb 20 2013 13:21:44

Thanks in advance

cdo.config.log (108 KB) cdo.config.log CDO Config Log
Magics.config.log (56.6 KB) Magics.config.log Magics config Log

Replies (8)

RE: CDO & Magics Installation Problems - Added by Kameswarrao Modali about 12 years ago

Please add "LIBS=-lstdc++ " to the configure options and build. I hope that resolves your query, if not kindly revert back.
best regards

RE: CDO & Magics Installation Problems - Added by Kostas S about 12 years ago

Thanks, it works perfectly :)


RE: CDO & Magics Installation Problems - Added by Kostas S about 12 years ago

Currently i'm testing the new features of cdo and i'm loogink for some advices about the plottings options. How i can plot all the time steps of a dataset without using animations. I would like to use somethink like that:

cdo shaded,device=jpeg,RGB=TRUE,colour_min="RGB",colour_max="RGB" -selyear,2000 2000_monthly_output

and i would like to get 12 jpeg images of year 2000 (one for each month).

Is it possible?



RE: CDO & Magics Installation Problems - Added by Kameswarrao Modali about 12 years ago

The plotting operators are compatible with the existing operator chaining faeture of cdo. But the only constraint is that , they need to be the terminal operator( the last operator to act on the data, or the left most in the command).

For your case,

cdo shaded,device=jpeg,RGB=TRUE,colour_min="RGB",colour_max="RGB" -selmon,1 -selyear,2000 2000_monthly_output_1

will generate the plot for the first month of year 2000. If you want for all months of year 2000, then you can make a loop over months in a shell script by recursively calling the above operator sequence for each month.

I hope that answers your query.

best regards

RE: CDO & Magics Installation Problems - Added by Kostas S about 12 years ago

Thanks, you answered my question.

A possible new feature could be the plotting of all time steps of a cdo processing. Because if somebody use very large datasets (larger than 2gb) and need to plot some time steps from the middle of the time period of the file, the dataset file access would be very slow procedure. The number of the plotted time steps could be set by the existing cdo selection operators. I know that this feature already exists for animated plots (gif) but it would be very useful for standalone plots (like jpeg, png) too.


Kamesh you were very helpful :)

RE: CDO & Magics Installation Problems - Added by Ralf Mueller about 12 years ago

you could emulate this feature with _splitsel_, which can create one file per timestep:

cdo splitsel,1 -seltimestep,100/200 <ifile> <ofileTag>
for file in <ofileTag>.*; do 
  cdo shaded,device=jpeg $file $(basename -s .$(echo $(basename $file) | rev | cut -d '.' -f 1 | rev) $file)

The plot commands could be called in parallel.


RE: CDO & Magics Installation Problems - Added by Kostas S about 12 years ago

Thanks for the help Ralf :)

RE: CDO & Magics Installation Problems - Added by Kameswarrao Modali about 12 years ago

Thanks for providing valuable feedback. For time being the performance can be improved with the solution provided by Ralf.
Nevertheless, for the next release, the "step_freq" option has been updated and will be valid for static image formats as well.
But, when the input file has multiple steps, the images will be generated only for first step by default,
and the user will be notified about this and prompted to specify "step_freq".

If the images are to be generated for multiple steps at random, then selection operators are to be used ( like you said) and
additionally, the "step_freq" should be explicitly set to "1"to indicate that, images are to be generated for all steps generated by
the selection operator.

cdo shaded,device=jpeg,step_freq=1 -selmon,1,3,7,11 -selyear,2000 2000_monthly_output

If the images are to be generated for multiple steps at a regular interval,then the "step_freq" should be set
to the "interval"to indicate that , images are to be generated at this interval.

cdo shaded,device=jpeg,step_freq=1 -selyear,2000 2000_monthly_output

The output file names will be suffixed automatically with an index, but for "device=ps", the "file_split"
has to specified.

Best regards
