Extract WRF variable SWDOWN from multiple directories and multiple files
Added by Theodoros Gkousarov about 12 years ago
Hello Guys,
I have 11y worth of WRF model outpout in .nc files. the files are stored in that way
there are 24 hourly files in each daily output.
the last file is in the directory
How can I extract the SWDOWN variable from all the wrf files so that I can have one file with the name swouut.nc containing only one variable but including the different times so that later i can process it either with cdo or R ?
Thank you. every help is very appreciated.
Replies (3)
RE: Extract WRF variable SWDOWN from multiple directories and multiple files - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 12 years ago
Try the undocumented CDO operator select. If you need only may of the 11y use:
cdo select,name=SWDOWN /directory/esscratch/20??/may/wrfout_sb3_20??-05-01_00:00:00.nc swouut.nc
Otherwise you have to create a variable with a sorted list of all files:
MYFILES="....." cdo select,name=SWDOWN $MYFILES swouut.nc
RE: Extract WRF variable SWDOWN from multiple directories and multiple files - Added by Theodoros Gkousarov about 12 years ago
Thank you very much,
I use NCL when trying to list all the files but dont know how to do it in CDO.
the $MYFILES could be comma seperated filenames? ( long string of words) How to do it in cdo ?
this is how the list starts .
(0) /gpfs/env/qrc09pau/esscratch/WRFout2011/wrfout_d03_2011-01-01_00:00:00
(1) /gpfs/env/qrc09pau/esscratch/WRFout2011/wrfout_d03_2011-01-02_00:00:00
(2) /gpfs/env/qrc09pau/esscratch/WRFout2011/wrfout_d03_2011-01-03_00:00:00
(3) /gpfs/env/qrc09pau/esscratch/WRFout2011/wrfout_d03_2011-01-04_00:00:00
(4) /gpfs/env/qrc09pau/esscratch/WRFout2011/wrfout_d03_2011-01-05_00:00:00
(5) /gpfs/env/qrc09pau/esscratch/WRFout2011/wrfout_d03_2011-01-06_00:00:00
(6) /gpfs/env/qrc09pau/esscratch/WRFout2011/wrfout_d03_2011-01-07_00:00:00
(7) /gpfs/env/qrc09pau/esscratch/WRFout2011/wrfout_d03_2011-01-08_00:00:00
(8) /gpfs/env/qrc09pau/esscratch/WRFout2011/wrfout_d03_2011-01-09_00:00:00
(227) /gpfs/env/nhm06sfu/esscratch/2011/aug/wrfout_sb3_2011-08-16_00:00:00
(228) /gpfs/env/nhm06sfu/esscratch/2011/aug/wrfout_sb3_2011-08-17_00:00:00
(229) /gpfs/env/nhm06sfu/esscratch/2011/aug/wrfout_sb3_2011-08-18_00:00:00
(230) /gpfs/env/nhm06sfu/esscratch/2011/aug/wrfout_sb3_2011-08-19_00:00:00
(359) /gpfs/env/qrc09pau/esscratch/WRFout2011/wrfout_d03_2011-12-26_00:00:00
(360) /gpfs/env/qrc09pau/esscratch/WRFout2011/wrfout_d03_2011-12-27_00:00:00
(361) /gpfs/env/qrc09pau/esscratch/WRFout2011/wrfout_d03_2011-12-28_00:00:00
(362) /gpfs/env/qrc09pau/esscratch/WRFout2011/wrfout_d03_2011-12-29_00:00:00
(363) /gpfs/env/qrc09pau/esscratch/WRFout2011/wrfout_d03_2011-12-30_00:00:00
(364) /gpfs/env/qrc09pau/esscratch/WRFout2011/wrfout_d03_2011-12-31_00:00:00
its actually 364 lines but to sort the space listed only these.
I want to extract the SWdown variable from all of these files, and to create 1 netcdf file which will contain all the timesteps of the SWdown variable.
Is it possible? I would be really grateful.
The above script is in ncl language but it shows where are the directories, could you tell me how to do that using CDO ?
RE: Extract WRF variable SWDOWN from multiple directories and multiple files - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 12 years ago
This is more a UNIX related question. MYFILES should be a comma separated list of filenames. Store your above lines to a file, e.g. myfile. Then you can generate the variable MYFILES with:
MYFILES=`cat myfiles | cut -f2 -d" "`