


Converting ICON Vertical Coordinates from level_full to Pressure Levels Using CDO

Added by Alejandro Uribe 25 days ago

I am working with two ICON experiments, AMIP and AMIP4K. In Levante, I can access them using the following:

cat = intake.open_catalog("")
ds_ctl = cat.ICON.C5.AMIP_CNTL(grid='R02B08', zoom=8, time="P1D").to_dask().mean('time')
ds_4k = cat.ICON.C5.AMIP_P4K(grid='R02B08', zoom=8, time="P1D").to_dask().mean('time')

The datasets have dimensions cell: 786432 level_full: 26 level_half: 26

I need to convert the vertical coordinate `level_full` to pressure levels. I attempted using the `cdo -h ap2pl` command since I understand it's designed to work with ICON outputs, but I haven't been able to get it to work. Could you please give a hand with this?
