



Added by Florian Pappenberger about 12 years ago


I am using enscrps:
cdo enscrps ref_file ensemble_files[1-50] outputfile

Is it possible to have a crps per grid cell rather than averaged?

Replies (1)

RE: enscrps - Added by Florian Pappenberger about 12 years ago

please ignore, just saw that that was a new requested feature.

In the meantime, for normal distributed variables: (Reference: Gneiting and Raftery (2007) : Strictly Proper Scoring Rules, Prediction and Estimation. Journal of the American Statistical Association)

cdo ensmean input_ens.[1-50] mean
cdo ensstd input_ens.[1-50] std

cdo div std -sub observations mean mm

#compute normal pdf
cdo mulc,0.3989422840 -exp -divc,2 -mulc,-1 -sqr mm normpdf.grib

#compute normal cdf (approximation accroding to “A cosine approximation to the normal distribution” by D. H. Raab and E. H. Green, Psychometrika, Volume 26, pages 447-450.)

cdo pow,-1 -addc,1 -exp -sub -mulc,-0.07056 -pow,3 mm -mulc,1.5976 mm normcdf.grib

cdo mulc,-2 normpdf.grib first_part
cdo mulc,-1 -mul mm -subc,1 -mulc,2 normcdf.grib second_part
cdo mul -mulc,-1 sigma -add -addc,0.56418958354 first_part second_part crps

#build appropriate mean
