


Remap LonLat Grid to Lambert Conformal Projection with constant 5.5km spacing, but retain LatLon Information?

Added by Simon Hentschel 9 months ago


I'm currently trying to remap ERA5 data to a Lambert Conformal Projection with 5.5km spacing, similar to that of CERRA, but moved to cover North America instead.
For this I'm using the "cdo remapbic" command with the grid-description from below.

While the reprojection itself works fine, for further processing I need a mapping from each grid cell to the coordinates it represents.
The converted file itself sadly only contains the x/y variables with the position encoded in 'meters' from the first grid point, instead of the lat/lon values.

Is there any way to retain the lat,lon coordinate map (similar to the original CERRA files)?

Thank you very much for your help!


  1. gridID similar to CERRA (moved to cover North America) #
    gridtype = projection
    gridsize = 1142761
    xsize = 1069
    ysize = 1069
    xname = x
    xunits = "m"
    yname = y
    yunits = "m"
    xfirst = 0
    xinc = 5500
    yfirst = 0
    yinc = 5500
    grid_mapping = Lambert_Conformal
    grid_mapping_name = lambert_conformal_conic
    standard_parallel = 50.
    earth_radius = 6371229.
    longitude_of_central_meridian = -94.514057
    latitude_of_projection_origin = 50.
    longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees = -120
    latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees = 20.292281
    longitudeOfSouthernPoleInDegrees = 0.
    latitudeOfSouthernPoleInDegrees = -90.

Replies (1)

RE: Remap LonLat Grid to Lambert Conformal Projection with constant 5.5km spacing, but retain LatLon Information? - Added by Uwe Schulzweida 9 months ago

Hello Simon,

You get lon/lat values if you add setgridtype,curvilinear after the interpolation:

cdo -setgridtype,curvilinear -remapbil,<targetgrid>  infile outfile
