


Storing time periods in a way that works with CDO

Added by Mark Payne 10 months ago


I am calculating statistics over 30-year time periods of some time-lon-lat data using xarray in python. e.g
  • 1981-2010
  • 2011-2040
  • 2041-2070
  • 2071-2100

I would like to store the outputs in a period-lon-lat file that works with CDO. Ideally I would like to have a numeric or string ID stored in the period coordinate that identifies each period (e.g. 1,2,3,4), and then use `remapbilin` or similar operators to do spatial regridding. However, I can't seem to get cdo to recognise a "period" coordinate. How best should I handle this situation?



Replies (1)

RE: Storing time periods in a way that works with CDO - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer 9 months ago

Hi Mark,

using a period number or string as dimension is not CF-convention conform and CDO will have problems with those files. I would recomment to save the time perids in separate files and use the file names to identify the periods.
