


select circle around a point

Added by ricardo oliveira 10 months ago

I'm trying to select all grid cells inside a circle around a point, but its not working.

My file ( has an area in the center that does not have any data. I need this area (approximately a circle) to be set to 0.

If I try cdo setcindexbox,0,130,178,210,258 it works, but of course it makes a square around that area.

So I tried the selcircle command, but it did not work, and always give me the message "No grid points found!"...

I appreciate any help.. Thank!

Replies (1)

RE: select circle around a point - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer 10 months ago

Hi Ricardo,

IMO CDO can't do this. You can use Python/Xarray for example to do this.
