


cdo eof missing values unsupported

Added by ricardo oliveira 12 months ago

I'm trying to perform EOF analysis using cdo on sea ice concentration data (NSIDC-0051). I didn't have a problem when working with antarctic data, but the arctic data is getting the error "missing values unsupported" even after I tried the same solution that worked for the antarctic data...

They are from the same dataset, and have the same structure... I believe the problem has to do with the circular sector centered over north pole (due to the orbit inclination of the satellite), but it has the same fill value of the continents, and should not give such error...

Error: cdo eof (Abort): Missing values unsupported

How to reproduce the error:

cdo -L -setmissval,-999.9 -setmissval,nan

cdo eof,10

For comparison, you can try the same commands with, and see that the commands indeed work as they should...

I appreciate any help..

Thank you.

Replies (1)

RE: cdo eof missing values unsupported - Added by Estanislao Gavilan 12 months ago

Hi Ricardo,

it seems this is an old known issue. In the documentation you can see.

2.11.1  EOFS - Empirical Orthogonal Functions
Missing values are not fully supported. Support is only checked for non-changing masks of missing values in time. Although there still will be results, they are not trustworthy, and a warning will occur.

You could try to open an issue (see issues section) to see if the devs can correct it (or improve it) in the future. Meanwhile, the same documentation suggests masking your files with 0 values (so set missing values to zero), but some users think that it could affect your EOF decomposition. So keep that in mind.
