cdo remapbil - operation not allowed in define mode
Added by Fernanda Matos over 1 year ago
Hi all!
I am trying to remap the PRISM4 land-sea mask for the mid-Pliocene to the same grid as the ecmwf land-sea mask following the steps of a colleague that has done this operation for the TL159 IFS grid (linear). In my case, I am working with Tco95 (cubic-octahedral).
He has done this operation with:
1. select the modern land-sea mask from the initial file of IFS
cdo selcode,172 ICMGGECE3INIT pdtmp.grb
2. interpolate the modern land-sea mask into the unstructured n80 grid with 35718 cells.
cdo -f nc -t ecmwf setgrid,g35718x1 pdtmp.grb
3. remap the PRISM4D mid-pliocene land-sea mask to t106 grid
cdo remapbil,t106grid
4.remap the mid-pliocene land-sea mask into the unstructured n80 grid with 35718 cells.
cdo remapbil,./gdes_n80_reduced
I need to remap the mid-pliocene land-sea mask to the n96 grid with 40320 cells.
Doing steps 1 and 2 exactly like before but changing 35718x1 to 40320x1 worked:
cdo selcode,172 ICMGGECE3INIT pdtmp.grb cdo -f nc -t ecmwf setgrid,g40320x1 pdtmp.grb
However, when doing steps 3 and 4:
cdo remapbil,t106grid cdo remapbil,./midpli2_griddes.txt
I get the following error:
cdi cdf_put_var_int : 131072 0 20
cdi error (cdf_put_var_int): NetCDF: Operation not allowed in define mode
I tried to find ways to take
out of this define mode, but I do not know exactly where to start. Could you please help me?
The files I am using are attached here. Thank you very much in advance!
midpli2_griddes.txt (4.98 KB) midpli2_griddes.txt | grid description for n96 | || (256 KB) | mid-pliocene land-sea mask | || (208 KB) | land-sea mask file created with step 3 |
Replies (2)
RE: cdo remapbil - operation not allowed in define mode - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 1 year ago
Hi Fernanda,
This is an error when writing the Gaussian reduced grid to NetCDF. We will fix this problem in the next CDO version 2.4.0. The last working version is 2.1.1.
RE: cdo remapbil - operation not allowed in define mode - Added by Fernanda Matos over 1 year ago
Hi Uwe,
thank you!! I will try to create an unstructured grid that contains 40320 cells. Do you know a good way to do it?
All the best,