copy ECMWF's ensembles from GRIB to NetCDF gives error
Added by teun zoer over 1 year ago
Hi everyone,
I'm using cdo version 1.9.10 and try to copy ECWMF's forecast data from GRIB to NetCDF so the visualization software I use can pick it up. This works for the OPER 'D1D*' files but gives an error for the ensemble 'E1E*' files. I'm guessing this has something to do with the metadata of all the separate ensemble members which aren't recognized/don't fit in the NetCDF format, but am not sure. Could someone help me out? I provided the GRIB files I use and here is the commands I use:
For OPER, which works:
'cdo -f nc copy D1D08130000081300011'
For ensemble, which throws the error:
'cdo -f nc copy E1E08130000081300001'
This gives: Error (gribapiDecode): Internal problem: gridsize(20453) != datasize(20452)!
Thanks in advance!
Groetjes Teun
Replies (3)
RE: copy ECMWF's ensembles from GRIB to NetCDF gives error - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 1 year ago
The fields in the ensemble file can't be read with CDO because they were packed inconsistently. The grid has 20453 points but there are only 20452 data values.
Even with the ecCodes tool grib_to_netcdf this data can't be converted correctly.
RE: copy ECMWF's ensembles from GRIB to NetCDF gives error - Added by teun zoer over 1 year ago
Thanks for your response Uwe, how unfortunate that ecCodes runs into the same problem. Could unpacking the GRIB file and converting each ensemble member separately be a solution?
RE: copy ECMWF's ensembles from GRIB to NetCDF gives error - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 1 year ago
The problem is exactly the unpacking. I don't know of any tools to unpack this obviously incorrectly packed data.