75th percentile of 15days sample centered on a day (7 days before and after this specific day)
Added by Vik Vik over 1 year ago
Hi Everyone,
I am new to cdo, I want to calculate 75th percentile of 15days sample centered on a day (7 days before and after this specific day) from a daily time-series of 30 years
Firstly, I tried to calculate the 15day (7<day0>7) using shifttime command
cdo shifttime,-7days/0days/7days input_tas output_tas
I have this error message cdo shifttime (Abort): Time unit >days/0days/7days< unsupported!
I would appreciate any suggestions.
Replies (1)
RE: 75th percentile of 15days sample centered on a day (7 days before and after this specific day) - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 1 year ago
Hi Vik,
if you are new to CDO and you get an error it is always good to have a look at the documentation. The operator shifttime (see https://code.mpimet.mpg.de/projects/cdo/embedded/cdo.pdf#subsection.2.6.4) takes only one parameter, the shift value, not ranges or multiple values.
Have a look at the following User Guide pages:
cdo -ydrunmin,15 infile.nc outfile_ydrunmin.nc cdo -ydrunmax,15 infile.nc outfile_ydrunmax.nc cdo -ydrunpctl,75,15 infile.nc outfile_ydrunmin.nc outfile_ydrunmin.nc outfile.nc