


Meridional sum up in curvilinear grid

Added by Estanislao Gavilan over 1 year ago

Dear Community,

I want to estimate the meridional overturning circulation from CMIP6 experiments. The CMIP6 models use curvilinear grids in the ocean, therefore I cannot use the meridional stats commands. I wonder if there is a way to select the data in equal latitude bands, and then sum the longitude point in those bands. I know I can remap the data, but I would like to know if it is possible without remapping.

Kind regards,


Replies (6)

RE: Meridional sum up in curvilinear grid - Added by Ralf Mueller over 1 year ago

hi Estanislao!

Conservative interpolation to a regular grid before the meridional operation is not an option?


RE: Meridional sum up in curvilinear grid - Added by Ralf Mueller over 1 year ago

I talked to Uwe: zonmean actually works for unstructured grids, but for meridional overturning you possibly need the un-weighted version, right?

RE: Meridional sum up in curvilinear grid - Added by Estanislao Gavilan over 1 year ago

Hi Ralph,

thank you so much for your help. I managed to computed it using xarray, but it takes too much time because I need to loop the time and the vertical levels (memory issues). I cannot use zonemean because I want to compute the sum at each latitude band. I saw the other commands require regular lat/lon grid. I will try to remap it, and see how it goes.
Kind regards,


RE: Meridional sum up in curvilinear grid - Added by Ralf Mueller over 1 year ago

Uwe also mentioned the remapsum operators for a non-weighted sum in the horizontal. but this one might have problems with speficic cells. maybe it's worth a try.

RE: Meridional sum up in curvilinear grid - Added by Ralf Mueller over 1 year ago

Just found an article on this topic for unstructured grids: Might be a bot more abstract than needed for you source grid - I don't know

RE: Meridional sum up in curvilinear grid - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 1 year ago

I worked on the zonal bins support for the Remapstat module (remapsum,...) yesterday. This feature will be available in CDO release 2.3.0.
