ERA5-Land accumulated precipitation: how to get hourly values.
Added by Diego Araujo almost 2 years ago
Hello, everyone.
I have a file with ERA5-Land precipitation data for one year, but this data is accumulated throughout the day, according to the ERA5-Land convention.
What command can I use in CDO to get the unaccumulated hourly data?
Thank you very much in advance.
About ERA5-Land accumulation: " Please, note that the convention for accumulations used in ERA5-Land differs with that for ERA5. The accumulations in the short forecasts of ERA5-Land (with hourly steps from 01 to 24) are treated the same as those in ERA-Interim or ERA-Interim/Land, i.e., they are accumulated from the beginning of the forecast to the end of the forecast step. For example, runoff at day=D, step=12 will provide runoff accumulated from day=D, time=0 to day=D, time=12. The maximum accumulation is over 24 hours, i.e., from day=D, time=0 to day=D+1,time=0 (step=24) ".
Replies (5)
RE: ERA5-Land accumulated precipitation: how to get hourly values. - Added by Estanislao Gavilan almost 2 years ago
the operator that you need to use is expr. This is an example found in the Documentation Section 2.2.1
cdo -expr,wind="sqrt(u*u+v*v)"
Knowing this, your only need to create your own expression to convert your accumulated data.
Kind regards,
RE: ERA5-Land accumulated precipitation: how to get hourly values. - Added by Diego Araujo almost 2 years ago
Maybe I was misunderstood.
My question is related to the separation of precipitation data accumulated throughout the day.
I need each hour separately.
RE: ERA5-Land accumulated precipitation: how to get hourly values. - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer almost 2 years ago
Hi Diego,
if you need to convert e.g. daily data to hourly data use something like
cdo -r -inttime,2000-01-01,12:00:00,1hour
RE: ERA5-Land accumulated precipitation: how to get hourly values. - Added by Hebatallah Abdelmoaty 12 months ago
Hi Diego,
I have the same question now. Have you solved this problem?
Is there a way to get the incremental hourly precipitation from ERA5-Land dataset using CDO?
RE: ERA5-Land accumulated precipitation: how to get hourly values. - Added by Ralf Mueller 12 months ago
as far as I understood the data, it is the accumulated data since start of the simulation. so in case you have everything in one file, it should start with the initial value and add up each hour.
The hourly accumulation must be the difference between each of the (hourly) timesteps of the ERA data file. This difference can be computet with CDO usinfg the 'deltat' operator.
Please check cdo -h deltat
best wished