flatten/expand levels to time dimension
Added by Stuart Brown almost 2 years ago
I have a large netcdf file of a paleoclimate simulation which should contain 24000 layers/timesteps. Unfortunately the variable of interest (monthly mean temp) is stored as {time, mon, lat, lon} where mon is set-up as a level. This means I only have 2000 timesteps with 12 levels for each timestep.
netcdf test_file { dimensions: depth = 1 ; lat = 181 ; lon = 720 ; time = 2000 ; month = 12 ; variables: float depth(depth) ; depth:positive = "up" ; depth:units = "m" ; float lat(lat) ; lat:units = "degrees_north" ; lat:standard_name = "latitude" ; lat:long_name = "latitude" ; float lon(lon) ; lon:units = "degrees_east" ; lon:standard_name = "longitude" ; lon:long_name = "longitude" ; float mask(time, depth, lat, lon) ; mask:_FillValue = -999.f ; mask:long_name = "Raw land sea mask (Possibly modified)" ; mask:units = "0-1" ; mask:lonFlip = "longitude coordinate variable has been reordered via lonFlip" ; float temp_mm_1_5m(time, month, lat, lon) ; temp_mm_1_5m:name = "temp_mm_1_5m" ; temp_mm_1_5m:title = "TEMPERATURE AT 1.5M" ; temp_mm_1_5m:long_name = "TEMPERATURE AT 1.5M" ; temp_mm_1_5m:standard_name = "air_temperature" ; temp_mm_1_5m:pcmdi_name = "tas" ; temp_mm_1_5m:stash_code = 3236s ; temp_mm_1_5m:submodel = 1s ; temp_mm_1_5m:processing = "monthly_mean_1.5m_above_surface" ; temp_mm_1_5m:units = "degC" ; temp_mm_1_5m:valid_min = 219.8786f ; temp_mm_1_5m:valid_max = 306.9277f ; temp_mm_1_5m:lonFlip = "longitude coordinate variable has been reordered via lonFlip" ; temp_mm_1_5m:missing_value = 2.e+20f ; temp_mm_1_5m:_FillValue = 2.e+20f ; temp_mm_1_5m:depth = -1.f ; int time(time) ; time:calendar = "1yr linear" ; time:standard_name = "time" ; time:short_name = "time" ; time:long_name = "time" ; // global attributes: :creation_date = "Thu May 4 13:03:24 BST 2023" ; :Conventions = "CF-1.4" ; :Title = "HadCM3B Quaternary Climate Output" ; }
Is there anyway to flatten or expand the month levels along the time index? Essentially, I want to convert each timestep (with 12 levels) into 12 timesteps with no levels. The expanded timesteps could have any arbitary value as I know the actual start/end dates of the simulation. I have attached a small example file with only 10 timesteps which I have subset from the actual file.
netcdf foo { dimensions: lat = 31 ; lon = 31 ; time = 10 ; month = 12 ; variables: float lat(lat) ; lat:units = "degrees_north" ; lat:standard_name = "latitude" ; lat:long_name = "latitude" ; lat:missing_value = -32767.f ; lat:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float lon(lon) ; lon:units = "degrees_east" ; lon:standard_name = "longitude" ; lon:long_name = "longitude" ; lon:missing_value = -32767.f ; lon:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float temp_mm_1_5m(time, month, lat, lon) ; temp_mm_1_5m:name = "temp_mm_1_5m" ; temp_mm_1_5m:title = "TEMPERATURE AT 1.5M" ; temp_mm_1_5m:long_name = "TEMPERATURE AT 1.5M" ; temp_mm_1_5m:standard_name = "air_temperature" ; temp_mm_1_5m:pcmdi_name = "tas" ; temp_mm_1_5m:stash_code = 3236s ; temp_mm_1_5m:units = "degC" ; temp_mm_1_5m:lonFlip = "longitude coordinate variable has been reordered via lonFlip" ; temp_mm_1_5m:missing_value = -32767.f ; temp_mm_1_5m:depth = -1.f ; temp_mm_1_5m:_FillValue = -32767.f ; int time(time) ; time:calendar = "1yr linear" ; time:standard_name = "time" ; time:short_name = "time" ; time:long_name = "time" ; time:missing_value = -32767.f ; time:_FillValue = -32767.f ; // global attributes: :creation_date = "Thu May 4 13:03:24 BST 2023" ; :Creator_email = "edward.armstrong@.ad.helsinki.fi/edward.armstrong@bristol.ac.uk" ; :Creator_name = "Edward Armstrong" ; :Conventions = "CF-1.4" ; :Title = "HadCM3B Quaternary Climate Output" ; :NCO = "netCDF Operators version 5.0.6 (Homepage = http://nco.sf.net, Code = http://github.com/nco/nco)" ; :history = "Fri May 12 11:30:14 2023: ncatted -O -a _FillValue,,o,f,-32767 foo.nc\n", "Fri May 12 11:30:05 2023: ncatted -O -a missing_value,,o,f,-32767 foo.nc\n", "Fri May 12 11:29:38 2023: ncatted -O -a valid_min,,d,, foo.nc\n", "Fri May 12 11:29:35 2023: ncatted -O -a valid_max,,d,, foo.nc\n", "Fri May 12 11:29:32 2023: ncks -v temp_mm_1_5m -d time,1,10 -d lon,15.0,30.0 -d lat,45.0,60.0 test_file.nc foo.nc\n"; }
Any help/guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Replies (1)
RE: flatten/expand levels to time dimension - Added by Estanislao Gavilan over 1 year ago
I think you cannot do this with cdo because it does not follow the cf-convention.
Kind regards,