6-month northern summer and winter
Added by T. Tob over 12 years ago
I have 4 years daily datasets extending from 1990 to 1993. And I just wonder
is there any trick by using CDO to group my data to 6 month northern summer: March to October
and 6 month northern winter November to April. The final result that i need is two group data
which are:
1. Daily data climatology of March - October 1990-1993.--> Northern Summer
2. Daily data climatology of November - April 1990-1993. --> Northern Winter
Thanks any insight.
Replies (3)
RE: 6-month northern summer and winter - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan over 12 years ago
If your input data sets are separate files; then first merge those data using "mergetime" operator, then use "ydaymean" for the climatology and then"selmon" to select the required months; like:
1. cdo -mergetime my_data_199[0-3].grb all_data.grb
2. cdo -ydaymean all_data.grb all_daily_clim.grb
3. cdo -selmon,3/10 all_daily_clim.grb mar_to_oct.grb
4. cdo -selmon,11,12,1,2,3,4 all_daily_clim.grb nov_to_apr.grb
off-course you can combine the operations 1-3 in one step.
Also for your inf: From an earlier post by Uwe Schulzweida : "it is a good praxis to name/rename your files in a way that there are alphanumerically sorted. it is very important for the CDO operators copy, cat and mergetime."
Hope this helps!
RE: 6-month northern summer and winter - Added by T. Tob over 12 years ago
Hi J,
Thanks, but i got a problem with the time-axis when i executed the command:
[root@localhost MJO_Clivar]# cdo ydaymean V850.nc V850_clim.nc
cdo ydaymean: Processed 19194912 values from 1 variable over 1826 timesteps ( 0.69s )
then I checked the output:
- NOTE: Coordinates out of order or missing on axis time at subscript 60*
- NOTE: A dummy axis of subscripts will be used
thus, when i tried to simply plot the output i got a abnormal time axis increment 1,2,3,4 that should be
1-Jan-1990, 2-Jan-1990, etc (for daily climatology).
lon = 144
lat = 73
level = 1
time = 366 // unlimited
float lon ( lon )
standard_name : longitude
long_name : Longitude
units : degrees_east
axis : X
float lat ( lat )
standard_name : latitude
long_name : Latitude
units : degrees_north
axis : Y
float level ( level )
standard_name : air_pressure
long_name : Level
units : millibar
positive : down
axis : Z
double time ( time )
standard_name : time
units : hours since 1800-01-01 00:00:00
calendar : standard
short vwnd ( time, level, lat, lon )
standard_name : northward_wind
long_name : Daily V-wind on Pressure Levels
units : m/s
add_offset : 187.65
scale_factor : 0.01
_FillValue : -32767
unpacked_valid_range : ( -140, 175 )
actual_range : ( -98.86, 96.32 )
precision : 2
least_significant_digit : 1
GRIB_id : 34
GRIB_name : VGRD
var_desc : v-wind
dataset : NCEP/DOE AMIP-II Reanalysis (Reanalysis-2) Daily Averages
level_desc : Pressure Levels
statistic : Mean
parent_stat : Individual Obs
cell_methods : time: mean (of 4 6-hourly values in one day)
Thanks a lot.
RE: 6-month northern summer and winter - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan over 12 years ago
You could force the time axis using "settaxis" operator, which will solve the problem I guess:
e.g., cdo -settunits,days -settaxis,1990-01-01,00:00:00,1day V850_clim.nc ofile.nc