cdo mul (Abort): Grid size of the input parameter __xarray_dataarray_variable__ do not match!
Added by Jessica Steinkopf almost 2 years ago
Hi All
I am trying to multiply the following two netcdf files, but I get an error (cdo mul (Abort): Grid size of the input parameter xarray_dataarray_variable do not match! ). Please help me fix this error. Do I need to regrid one of the datasets?
Replies (2)
RE: cdo mul (Abort): Grid size of the input parameter __xarray_dataarray_variable__ do not match! - Added by Jessica Steinkopf almost 2 years ago
Nevermind, I resolved it by regridding the file onto the same grid as the file
RE: cdo mul (Abort): Grid size of the input parameter __xarray_dataarray_variable__ do not match! - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer almost 2 years ago
Hi Jessica,
good to hear that you have found the solution your own. Remapping to the same grid would be my recommendation, too.