Warning: Hour 12 not found!
Added by Hannah Vickers almost 2 years ago
hi there,
I'm a bit new to CDO and have been having some trouble extracting the data I need.
I've been using WRF to downscale climate data and the variables are produced at 3 hourly time steps and written to daily output files.
I am trying to extract data corresponding to hour 12 using the cdo selhour function, but I get warning messages about this timestep not being found. When I use ncview to view the file contents however, I see there are 8 timeframes but the cdo info shows no date/time for each variable (everything just 0000-00-00 00:00:00)
Does anyone have any experience with this and how to fix it so that data at different time steps can be extracted?
Thanks very much in advance!
Replies (3)
RE: Warning: Hour 12 not found! - Added by Estanislao Gavilan almost 2 years ago
Hi Hanna,
You should start checking your time axis. This command will output the hours
cdo showtime input
RE: Warning: Hour 12 not found! - Added by Hannah Vickers almost 2 years ago
Thanks. Looks like there is something wrong with the time variable since cdo showtime produces this for the files:
Warning (cdfScanVarAttr): NetCDF: Variable not found - >XLONG<
Warning (cdfScanVarAttr): NetCDF: Variable not found - >XLAT<
Warning (cdfScanVarAttr): NetCDF: Variable not found - >XTIME<
00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00
I guess I need to find out why the time steps are not being written out...
RE: Warning: Hour 12 not found! - Added by Estanislao Gavilan almost 2 years ago
Hi Hanna,
The problem is cdo does not recognize your time. wrf names differently the time axis. It is not difficult to correct that problem. I do not remember exactly how to do it. You can find it by yourself in this forum. You only need to find posts related to WRF (use the search tool). There were other people who had the same problem. I am sure you can find the solution really fast.
Kind regards