SDF file does not have any non-coordinate variables
Added by Sarah O'Keefe over 12 years ago
Hi, I am not sure if this is a CDO 1.5.1 issue or a Grads 2.0.a9 issue or an xconv1.91 issue. I am able to open and convert 'virgin' netcdf files from .nc format to grads format - no problem. However, whenever I do any operation on them using climate data operators and then try to open them in GRADS I get a message that says 'SDF file has no discernable time coordinate -- using default values. gadsdf: SDF file does not have any non-coordinate variables'.If I try to convert the files to grads using xconv, xconv closes and the terminal lists 'Segmentation fault'.
The frustrating thing is that I used to work on another computer and I remember being able to do these tasks without having to add a cdo -r to them to force a relative time coordinate. Do you know what is different?
Any help you could give would be appreciated. Thx. Sarah.
Replies (1)
RE: SDF file does not have any non-coordinate variables - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan over 12 years ago
Please have a look a the following thread (Uwe Schulzweida's reply):