Error using '-t ecmwf'
Added by Sabine Griessbach almost 2 years ago
Dear CDO team,
I just upgraded to CDO version 2.1.1. I used to interpolate and convert ERA5 grib to netCDF data using '-t ecmwf':
cdo -a -f nc -t ecmwf ml2pl,101325,98660.4,93476.7 e5.grib
but this results in an error:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
what(): basic_string::_M_construct null not valid
I tried '--eccodes' and this worked.
cdo --eccodes -a -f nc ml2pl,101325,98660.4,93476.7 e5.grib
Is it recommended replacing '-t ecmwf' by '--eccodes'?
All the best,
Replies (1)
RE: Error using '-t ecmwf' - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 2 years ago
Dear Sabine,
Thanks for the Information! This problem will be fixed in the next CDO release 2.2.0