


making time series mask file from single time threshold

Added by Heidrun Matthes almost 2 years ago

Hi everyone,

I have a file cointaining daily snow data for several years. I computed the first day of snow in winter using the muldoy functionality

cdo yearmin -selmonth,7/12 -setctomiss,0 -muldoy -gtc,0.0

What I now need is a mask that sets all days before this day to zero, and all days afterwards to 1. I do have a solution where I split up my files into seperate years, then apply muldoy to a file conatining only ones for each time step to create a day of year time series, and then mask this with the result in doy_of for that year.

#create file with time steps of daily_snow containing only ones
cdo gec,0.0
#create file containing day of year for every time step
cdo muldoy

#year loop
for iyear in years do
#create file for one year containing day of first snow in every time step
  cdo mul -selyear,$iyear -selyear,${iyear} doy_first_snow_fill_${iyear}.nc
#create mask
  cdo gt -selyear,${iyear} doy_first_snow_fill_${iyear}.nc mask_doy_first_snow_${iyear}.nc

#merge mask files into one file
cdo mergetime mask_doy_first_snow_????.nc

However, for long time series, this is rather tedious, slow and creates many interim files. I played around with piping commands to reduce the number of intermediate files, but mul is rather picky with what kinds of pipes arguments can have, so I could not make it shorter than what I have above. I wonder if there is a more streamline solution?

Thanks for your help!

Best, Heidrun

Replies (2)

RE: making time series mask file from single time threshold - Added by Estanislao Gavilan almost 2 years ago

Hi Heidrun,

The only thing that I would change from that script would be cat intead of mergetime. I think you could also see the problem with a different point of view. You can use part of you script to find the specific date, then extract them into a new file.

Kind regards,


RE: making time series mask file from single time threshold - Added by Heidrun Matthes almost 2 years ago

Dear Estanislao,

thank you for your comment! This is actually a simplified example of what I try to do. The snow data is gridded data, so the first day of snow will be different for every grid point. I don't see how I could use the doy_of_first_snow to extract the time steps I want, since they would be different for each grid point. Also, that approach still requires a split of the time series into seperate years. Maybe there really is no way around that.

Best, Heidrun
