Unsupported selection keyword: 'dom'!
Added by Emre Salkım almost 2 years ago
Dear all,
I would like to share an intersting issue I came across to in WSL Ubuntu and how I solved it. I thought maybe this may have happened because of my CDO version and wanted to update it but CDO told me: "cdo is already the newest version (1.9.9~rc1-1)". The issue happened when I wanted to remove the 29th and 30th of February from a 360_day calendar data and I used "delete,dom=29feb,30feb". However CDO aborted the operation and gave this warning: "Unsupported selection keyword: 'dom'!". I solved the issue by creating a CDO environment in miniconda and installed CDO using miniconda. I wanted to post this for the users who may search for a solution in the future.
Replies (2)
RE: Unsupported selection keyword: 'dom'! - Added by Estanislao Gavilan almost 2 years ago
Hi Emre,
your virtual machine (WSL) did not find an update because the version of your precompiled cdo (apt get cdo) depends on your unix system. Ubuntu 20.04 has the cdo version 1.9.9 where as Ubuntu 22.04 has the version 2.0.5. For this reason, we always recommend to install cdo via anaconda (you get the newest). Now about the cdo 1.9.9 version, the version 2.0.5 corrected many bugs and made some changes. Therefore, devs usually ask the users to install a newer version before investigating the bug.
Kind regards,
RE: Unsupported selection keyword: 'dom'! - Added by Emre Salkım almost 2 years ago
Hi Estanislao,
Once again you made everything clear. I didn't know that to update CDO it requires Ubuntu to be updated as well. I will keep your answer in mind from now on. Many thanks!