


cdo sp2sp (Abort): Too many parameters

Added by Etienne Tourigny almost 2 years ago

Dear all

with version 2.1.1 it seems like sp2sp does not process the arguments correctly. It does not accept the mandatory "trunc" parameter in the commandline, but then proceeds to ask for it in the prompt. This does not happen with cdo-2.0.6

I tested this on 2 independent machines. One of them has both version (2.0.6 and 2.1.1) installed, the other only 2.1.1.

> module load cdo/2.0.6
> cdo -sp2sp,426 era5_200001010000.sp tmp1
cdo    sp2sp: Processed 169429120 values from 5 variables over 1 timestep [4.80s 69MB]
> module load cdo/2.1.1

The following have been reloaded with a version change:
  1) cdo/2.0.6 => cdo/2.1.1

> cdo -sp2sp,426 era5_200001010000.sp tmp1

cdo    sp2sp (Abort): Too many parameters
> cdo -sp2sp era5_200001010000.sp tmp1
cdo    sp2sp     : Enter truncation > 426
cdo    sp2sp: Processed 169429120 values from 5 variables over 1 timestep [6.74s 71MB]
> cdo -h sp2sp
    sp2sp - Spectral conversion

    sp2sp,trunc  infile outfile

This workaround seems to do the trick (passing the argument using "echo <arg> |")

> echo 426 | cdo -sp2sp era5_200001010000.sp tmp2 
cdo    sp2sp     : Enter truncation > cdo    sp2sp: Processed 169429120 values from 5 variables over 1 timestep [5.32s 71MB]
> cdo diffn tmp1 tmp2
cdo    diffn: Processed 150956456 values from 10 variables over 2 timesteps [5.23s 60MB]

Replies (1)

RE: cdo sp2sp (Abort): Too many parameters - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 2 years ago

Dear Etienne,

Thanks for the information! This problem will be fixed in the next CDO release 2.2.0.

