


Lots of files merge only for select lon lat

Added by Holly Ayres about 2 years ago

Hi all,

I have a lot of huge data files. I want to do merge time and sellonlatbox (the data is too big to merge even in smaller sets). How do I either do these together (they cannot be done in the same line due to mismatch size, perhaps a bash script but I do not know much about using them), or do sellonlatbox for multiple files to then merge later?


Replies (3)

RE: Lots of files merge only for select lon lat - Added by Ralf Mueller about 2 years ago

hi Holy!

are your files in a temporal order when sorted by their name? in that case you can use the cat operator instead.

RE: Lots of files merge only for select lon lat - Added by Holly Ayres almost 2 years ago

Hi Ralf,

Thank you! this worked well!
