Convert NetCDF meteo. data from COSMO-EU reanalysis (lon/lat) into projected UTM32 coordinate system
Added by Aissa Sehili about 2 years ago
Hi all,
I'm trying to convert meteorological data from a netdcf cosmo-eu NetCDF file (u,v,p,t) with 0.0625 degree lon/lat resolution into a projected UTM32 coordinate system around the German Bight.
What would be the best method here?
Many thanks.
Replies (6)
RE: Convert NetCDF meteo. data from COSMO-EU reanalysis (lon/lat) into projected UTM32 coordinate system - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 2 years ago
Hi Aissa,
can you upload one time step of the COSMO-EU data?
RE: Convert NetCDF meteo. data from COSMO-EU reanalysis (lon/lat) into projected UTM32 coordinate system - Added by Aissa Sehili about 2 years ago
Hi Karin,
thanks for the reply. Please find attached the first step of the data.
RE: Convert NetCDF meteo. data from COSMO-EU reanalysis (lon/lat) into projected UTM32 coordinate system - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 2 years ago
Do you have an UTM32 example file too?
RE: Convert NetCDF meteo. data from COSMO-EU reanalysis (lon/lat) into projected UTM32 coordinate system - Added by Aissa Sehili about 2 years ago
Hi Katrin,
the (converted) UTM32 meteo file is an ascii one, where the data are defined over an equidistant square grid.
In practice, the eastward wind file would look like (just as an example):
NODATA_value = 999.00
n_cols = 273
n_rows = 273
grid_unit = m
x_llcenter = -320001 x lower left corner
y_llcenter = 5.37514e+06 y lower left corner
dx = 4300.
dy = 4300.
n_quantity = 1
quantity1 = x_wind
unit1 = m s-1 - END OF HEADER
TIME = 0 hours since 2010-01-01 01:00:00 +00:00
data over X and Y
TIME = 1 hours since 2010-01-01 01:00:00 +00:00
data ....
This is done via a matlab code using a method called geo2utm.m (available online), but it doesn't seem to work correctly for my purposes.
For that reason, I'm looking for original projection methods from the CDO library.
RE: Convert NetCDF meteo. data from COSMO-EU reanalysis (lon/lat) into projected UTM32 coordinate system - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 2 years ago
I get a result that looks ok but I'm not sure and don't give any guarantee!
gridtype = projection gridsize = 77361 xsize = 241 ysize = 321 xname = x xunits = "m" yname = y yunits = "m" xfirst = -100000 xinc = 4300 yfirst = 5375140 yinc = 4300 grid_mapping = UTM32 grid_mapping_name = utm32 proj_params = "+proj=utm +zone=32 +north +datum=WGS84 +ellps=GRS80 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=9 +k_0=0.9996 +x_0=500000 +y_0=0 +units=m"
cdo -remapnn,gridfile_UTM32.txt
Original data:
Remap to UTM32:
plot_utm32.png (92.9 KB) plot_utm32.png | |||
plot_cosmo-eu.png (116 KB) plot_cosmo-eu.png |
RE: Convert NetCDF meteo. data from COSMO-EU reanalysis (lon/lat) into projected UTM32 coordinate system - Added by Aissa Sehili about 2 years ago
Hi Karin,
that worked perfectly. Many thanks again for your support.