Calculate complex expression
Added by Ilias Moysidis about 2 years ago
What is the cleanest way of calculating the expression:
h = 5/9 * (e-10), where
e = 6.112 * 10 ^ (7.5 * tas / (237.7+tas)) * hurs / 100.
I only want to keep the h variable.
Replies (3)
RE: Calculate complex expression - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 2 years ago
Hi Ilias,
you can use the expr operator, see
cdo -expr,'h = ((5/9) * ((6.112 * 10 ^ (7.5 * tas / (237.7+tas)) * hurs / 100.)-10))' infile outfile
RE: Calculate complex expression - Added by Ilias Moysidis about 2 years ago
Thank you very much.
When I run the line of code that you gave me:
cdo -expr,'h = ((5/9) * ((6.112 * 10 ^ (7.5 * tas / (237.7+tas)) * hurs / 100)-10))'
from the command line, it runs smoothly.
However, when I ran the code from the python wrapper:
Cdo().expr('h = ((5/9) * ((6.112 * 10 ^ (7.5 * tas / (237.7+tas)) * hurs / 100)-10))', input='', output='')
I am getting the following error:
Error in calling operator expr with:
/usr/bin/cdo -O -s -expr,h = ((5/9) * ((6.112 * 10 ^ (7.5 * tas / (237.7+tas)) * hurs / 100)-10))<<<
STDERR:/bin/sh: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
Do you know why?
RE: Calculate complex expression - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 2 years ago
Cdo().expr("'h = ((5/9) * ((6.112 * 10 ^ (7.5 * tas / (237.7+tas)) * hurs / 100)-10))'", input='', output='')