


failing to select time timesteps that are in fact there

Added by Kyle Clem over 2 years ago


I am trying to calculate the average over a large number of time steps (793) in a file containing daily data (15,794 days/time steps). All time steps are there, e.g., 1, 2, ...,15794.

I am using timmean and seltimestep functions to do this.

However, I am getting "Warning" messages that many time steps are not there, even though they are there, and I can even go grab the time steps that are being reported not to be there individually if I want. For example, below are the warning messages, but if I go and select e.g. time step 15248, individually, it finds it without a problem.

Any idea what the issue might be? Is it perhaps a memory issue with the pipe?

$ cdo timmean -seltimestep,80,2782, ...(700 more), 14754

cdo(2) seltimestep: Process started
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15428 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15427 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15650 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15465 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15429 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15222 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15642 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15604 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15651 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15773 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15361 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15649 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 14896 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15064 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15464 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15587 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 14897 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15426 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15652 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15603 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15647 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15643 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15772 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15646 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15360 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15466 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15423 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15774 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 14895 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15588 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15063 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15221 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15559 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15425 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 14814 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15047 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15653 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 14894 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15657 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15616 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep (Warning): Time step 15195 not found!
cdo(2) seltimestep: Processed 21838080 values from 1 variable over 14755 timesteps
cdo timmean: Processed 21838080 values from 1 variable over 752 timesteps [4.50s 13MB]

Replies (3)

RE: failing to select time timesteps that are in fact there - Added by Estanislao Gavilan over 2 years ago

Hi Kyle,

I am not sure about the warning. Does it impact on your results? I mean it seems that all those missing time steps are outside your selected values. I am also curious about that long string. Cannot you write it in interval form? like every X time steps?

RE: failing to select time timesteps that are in fact there - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 2 years ago

I assume you are using an older CDO version < 1.9.9. Here the selected timesteps must be specified in ascending order.

RE: failing to select time timesteps that are in fact there - Added by Kyle Clem over 2 years ago

Hi Estanislao and Uwe,

Thank you both so much for your replies! I really appreciate it. @Uwe, you are correct. I am using version 1.9.5 and the issue was that the time steps were not in ascending order. I did not know this was a requirement. When I insert the time steps in ascending order, this resolves the problem.

Thanks again, both of you!
