


Open failed on >< Unknown Error

Added by izabelle novicki iza over 2 years ago

Hi. I installed cdo version with support for NetCDF4 (HDF5) on Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu system. The data I'm using is NetCDF4. The installation went perfectly, I tried opening other .nc files and it worked. However, when I try to open this data, an unknown error message appears. Does anyone know what it could be? 'cdo showformat' and 'ncdump' command not responding

successful installation

'cdo showformat' and 'ncdump' command not responding

clipboard-202210061503-fmoga.png (27 KB) clipboard-202210061503-fmoga.png successful installation
clipboard-202210061506-g2sca.png (14 KB) clipboard-202210061506-g2sca.png 'cdo showformat' and 'ncdump' command not responding

Replies (4)

RE: Open failed on >< Unknown Error - Added by Estanislao Gavilan over 2 years ago

This could be a problem of permissions. Try to use sudo

RE: Open failed on >< Unknown Error - Added by Estanislao Gavilan over 2 years ago

Hi Izabelle,

I know you replied in several posts, but I am going to reply only here to prevent cross postting and unnecessary notifications to other users. That error it is a bit troublesome and it may be not related to cdo because your ncdump command does not work either. Lets start from the very bottom to see if we can debbug it. From here onwards, I am going to assume two things:

ncdump works in windows but not in linux
you are using a computer with ubuntu or a virtual machine with ubuntu. I case of virtual machine, you are not using WSL1.

First check your netcdf version. Users reported that the netcdf version 4.5.0 had some bugs and ncdump produces that error.
Second write ls lt. This will output the permissions of your files in that folder. if it appears as "---------" means that your file does not have permissions so you will have to do sudo chmod 755

Lets start with this. It is really suspicious that your only have problems in ubuntu

Kind regards,


RE: Open failed on >< Unknown Error - Added by Estanislao Gavilan over 2 years ago

sorry, I forgot about the website format

Second write "ls -ltr". This will output ...
