


Segmentation fault (core dumped) when changing reduced Gaussian grid into a regular one

Added by Peter Salamon over 12 years ago

I am trying to do a simple format conversion from a GRIB format (ECMWF 10 day forecast file) into netCDF and changing the reduced Gaussian grid into a regular one with the following command:

cdo -R -f nc copy /naha/meteo/forecasted/ecmwf/2012/08/DetN640-2012082800.grb

Unfortunately I get a "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" output. I am using the latest cdo version with all packages included except the szlib package.

As I am a relatively new user maybe I am overseeing something but I dont know what. I have also uploaded the GRIB file so that the error can be reproduced (maybe)...

I would appreciate any help!


Replies (1)

RE: Segmentation fault (core dumped) when changing reduced Gaussian grid into a regular one - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 12 years ago

Hi Peter,

I can reproduce this error!
One reason for this error is that the file has inconsistent information abort the number of values. The reduced grid size is 84607 and the sum of longitude grid points over all latitudes is 422728. I have fixed the "Segmentation fault" error but a transformation to a regular grid is impossible with this file.
An other problem is, that the -R option was implemented only for global Gaussian grids.

