failed to started CDO on cygwin
Added by Ye Tian almost 3 years ago
The CDO on cygwin cannot open the .nc file and there's no detail about this error.
It shows:
Open failed on ><
Unknown Error
What's going wrong?
Replies (4)
RE: failed to started CDO on cygwin - Added by Estanislao Gavilan almost 3 years ago
I think it is about the version. It happened the same to me. If you want to use cdo in cygwin you should install another version (I am using 1.90). I would recommend you to have virtual machine with the last ubuntu. cdo works better in linux environment. In fact, I have cdo installed in cygwin and in ubuntu.
Best regards,
RE: failed to started CDO on cygwin - Added by izabelle novicki iza over 2 years ago
Etanislau, in your ubuntu did not appear this error? I'm using ubuntu and it's showing up for me
RE: failed to started CDO on cygwin - Added by Estanislao Gavilan over 2 years ago
Hi Yetian
What version of cdo and ubuntu are you using? Also, can I take a look to the files?I would like to see the attributes.
Kind regards,
RE: failed to started CDO on cygwin - Added by izabelle novicki iza over 2 years ago
Ubuntu version 20.04 and CDO version 1.9.8
I installed the cdo at the linux, but i have the anaconda prompt installed at the windows. The "ncdump" command works at the anaconda but the cdo doesn't because is installed at linux. I would like to use cdo in ubuntu because i don't know python language very well more information about the dataset here
Thank you very much!