


ECCODES pack_bytes error

Added by Martin Perry almost 3 years ago

Hi, I am trying to convert ICON global file and I am getting this eccodes error:

ECCODES ERROR   :  pack_bytes: Wrong size (20) for section2Padding. It is 0 bytes long

However, the converted file is generated and seems to be correct. What is this error?

I have cdo 2.0.5, build from source. eccodes version 2.25.0 also build from source. OS Linux RedHat-based distro.

Conversion via:



cdo -O -f grb2 remap,${CDO_TARGET_GRID_DESCRIPTION},${CDO_WEIGHTS_FILE} ${in_file} ${out_file}

Replies (1)

RE: ECCODES pack_bytes error - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 3 years ago

This looks like an error in ecCodes. The section2 contains local GRIB extensions. These are copied in CDO via the section2Padding from input to output. This seems not to work with your ecCodes version. So these local extensions are lost. This is usually not a problem if you don't need the information in the extension.
