horizonta interpolation from orca1l to regular grid
Added by Estanislao Gavilan almost 3 years ago
Hi community,
I would like to interpolate the runoff output from cmpi6 models to a regular grid. The runoff uses the orca1l grid. I have tried to interpolate using the cdo but I lose information during the process. Maybe I have made a mistake in my script but I cannot find it. This is the process that I followed.
1) Merging the nc files using
cdo mergetime *.nc friver_1978-2014.nc
2) I divide over 1000 to remove the density and regrid
cdo -divc,1000 -remapbil,grid.txt friver_1978-2014.nc friver_remapped_1978-2014.nc
my grid.txt is
gridtype = lonlat
xsize = 1440
ysize = 721
xfirst = 0
xinc = 0.25
yfirst = -90
yinc = 0.25
3) I compare the total runoff between the original f_river file and the new one.
3.1 Original grid
for 1 in range(0,T):
3.2 New grid. I compute the area of the grid following this equation
for j in range(0,ny):
for 1 in range(0,T):
Then if I compare the total runoff, I observe that the regridd runoff is about 25-30% lower.
Thanks again for all your help and support