CDO eca_pd problem
Added by Jared Bowden about 3 years ago
I am trying to apply the climate index eca_pd,50 to a netcdf file - Daymet data (pretty large file)
This file can be downloaded from
One can use the filter na_prcp to grab an annual file of daily precip.
The file is an annual file of precip. values in mm/day
I don't really know why - but it doesn't work. It outputs a file but the file is very small. ncview gives no displayable variables found.
It should have values. The data has precipitation values exceeding 50 mm/day.
Thanks for any help or advice.
Replies (1)
RE: CDO eca_pd problem - Added by François Roberge about 3 years ago
Did you try to first select prcp?
By doing something like :
cdo -f nc4c -z zip_6 -k grid -eca_pd,50 -selname,prcp ./ ./daymet_v4_daily_na_prcp_2018_eca_pd50.nc4